Finance the transition to regenerative agriculture


Contribute to systemic change in the agricultural industry

As a society, we need forward-thinking & ecologically-aware companies to contribute to the regenerative agriculture transition

As a company, you can finance the transition of one of the critical industries from a net-emitter to a net-sequester of CO2


Together, we can achieve systemic change by empowering farmers to  restore ecosystems and go far beyond carbon sequestration


A win-win-win solution to a crisis of resilience

Mitigating the effects of climate breakdown by reducing dangerous GHG emissions from agriculture and supporting it in becoming carbon-neutral

Increasing our agricultural system’s adaptability and resilience to climate change and extreme weather events affecting crop yields

Increasing farmers’ economic resilience by reducing dependencies on fertilizers and pesticides as well as mitigating the effects of extreme weather events

Ensuring food security by decreasing reliances on volatile markets due to social unrest and market speculation

Improving the livelihoods and wellbeing of farmers

Raising the awareness of farmers’ essential contributions to society and ecosystems

Recognising the work of farmers as the foundation of our civilization


A financial instrument of the highest quality to incentivise the regenerative transition

Carbon+ Credits serve as a transition finance instrument to incentivise farmers to move forward on their journey toward regeneration.

The transition to regenerative agriculture requires time, investments and risks. During this transition period, farmers need your support to overcome initial financial barriers.

Agriculture has played a substantial role in creating climate chaos, but now, with your help, it can be a pivotal part of the solution through Carbon+ Credits.


Directly support farmers like Francisco, Manuel & João in their transition

Francisco Alves is the  5th generation owner of Porcus Natura, an agrosilvopastoral farm in Alentejo, Portugal.

To keep the family tradition, the main activity at Porcus Natura is the breeding and production of the highly prized, 100% acorn-fed black pig cured ham.

Francisco has been integrating multiple animal species with the pigs over the last years, creating a powerful and dynamic regenerative grazing system.

João Valente is the 2nd generation owner of Monte Silveira Bio, a Montado-style agrosilvopastoral system farm in Portugal. His farming system is characterised by trees, holistically managed grazing and crop agriculture.

Together with his father, he transitioned from a tobacco farm to a diverse organic farm with multiple animal, tree, and crop species.

With your support, he aspires to transition the entire farm to a regenerative system.

Mark Shepard

Manuel Troja is the 4th generation owner of Pajaretillo, a agrosilvopastoral system farm in Spain.

Manuel’s ambition is to restore his largely-degraded ecosystem by applying holistic management practices to it.

As part of this project, he plans to regenerate his soil and increase animal welfare and biodiversity on his land.

He is also transitioning from the usage of fossil fuels to solar energy.


Carbon+ Credits hold scientifically quantified co-benefits, including soil health, biodiversity and the soil’s water-holding capacity leading to the restoration of natural cycles. Last year’s floods and this year’s heatwaves in Europe have made the importance of these more apparent than ever.

Primary Benefit


long-term incentives for positive climate impact for farmers

High quality food production

Soil organic carbon capture

Amplified resilience against extreme weather

Soil health


Animal welfare

Better water quality & retention

Increased farm profitability making the family business more attractive to future generations

Primary Benefit

High quality food production


long-term incentives for positive climate impact for farmers

Soil organic carbon capture

Amplified resilience against extreme weather

Soil health


Animal welfare

Better water quality & retention

Increased farm profitability making the family business more attractive to future generations


Benefits we have developed for you as a buyer of Carbon+ Credits

Invest in projects in your region and community

Ecosystem co-benefits showcase true climate leadership
Story-driven reporting for rich communication material
Trust & transparency through reporting and external registry


Complying with and beyond highest international standards

We have created an original methodology in alignment with the ISO 14064-2:2019 standard

Our methodology complies with the industry’s standard for GHG emissions. Our compliance with this ISO is audited by TÜV Nord
Our methodology allows the calculation of the carbon removals and avoided emissions from a transition to regenerative agriculture
We identify and scientifically quantify the co-benefits (soil organic carbon, soil health, biodiversity and the soil’s water-holding capacity) of this transition
Our methodology lays out a monitoring and reporting procedure over the course of 10 years (repeated on a yearly basis)


Why is this important

What is Climate Farmers doing about this?


To avoid financing emission-reduction projects that would have happened anyway, it must be proven that the project would have not happened without the money generated through its carbon credits and is therefore additional.

We analyze barriers to implementation, ensure that the project is not already occurring and determine financial requirements before issuing certificates.


The duration of the solution must be considered. A solution is not permanent if for example it only runs for one year before previous practices are resumed. Depending on the project, project duration ranges from 4 to 80 years.

Carbon in nature-based solutions is only safely stored if permanence is designed in a human-centred way. We ensure that carbon is stored permanently through a legally-binding 10-year contract and support developing long-term farm operation plans that incentivise farmers economically. Farm profitability increases significantly after the 5-year mark, ensuring that farmers have no motivation to go back to industrial practices.


Using the same project for multiple certificates is a source of reputational loss for carbon credits.
We register all projects including information about location and the farmer themselves on a publically visible third party registry to enable scrutiny.


Projects designed to reduce emissions must avoid causing emissions elsewhere by, for example, simply relocating polluting activities to a different area.

Reviewing project activities’ leakage is regularly monitored as part of the project set up and the MRV program.

Why is this important?


To avoid financing emission-reduction projects that would have happened anyway, it must be proven that the project would have not happened without the money generated through its carbon credits and is therefore additional.


The duration of the solution must be considered. A solution is not permanent if for example it only runs for one year before previous practices are resumed. Depending on the project, project duration ranges from 4 to 80 years.


Using the same project for multiple certificates is a source of reputational loss for carbon credits.


Projects designed to reduce emissions must avoid causing emissions elsewhere by, for example, simply relocating polluting activities to a different area.

What is Climate Farmers doing about this?


We analyze barriers to implementation, ensure that the project is not already occurring and determine financial requirements before issuing certificates.


Carbon in nature-based solutions is only safely stored if permanence is designed in a human-centred way. We
ensure that carbon is stored permanently through a legally-binding 10-year contract and support developing long-term farm operation plans that incentivise farmers economically. Farm profitability increases significantly after the 5-year mark, ensuring that farmers have no motivation to go back to industrial practices.


We register all projects including information about location and the farmer themselves on a publically
visible third party registry to enable scrutiny.


Reviewing project activities’ leakage is regularly monitored as part of the project set up and the MRV program.

Get in touch with our co-founder and partnerships manager, Philippe Birker

Do you have questions?

Feel free to contact us!

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