
Cutting-edge scientific soil modelling methods

Our Monitoring Team identifies, creates and further develops technologies for assessing and quantifying the ecological impacts of agriculture, restoration, and other kinds of human activities. The technology builds on a combination of approaches: on-field measurement, algorithmic models, and remote sensing technologies.

A major focus of the development is on easy accessibility, time efficiency for farmers and creating value for them. Climate Farmers will use these technologies and the data to raise awareness for farmers and their contribution towards a healthy environment.

How do we accomplish this?

A four-step process


We validate ecological context and baseline situation (geography, soil health, ecosystem health, biodiversity) of our farms with soil test reports and technological solutions.


We monitor the land of the farms with satellite imagery to understand the agricultural practices and the external impacts on the farm land.

We use mathematical models and satellite data to predict the impact that the farms will have on their surrounding ecosystems.


We verify the ecological health indicators and agricultural practices with soil test reports and technological solutions.

Do you have questions?

Feel free to contact us!

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