Anna, David & Thomas | Terramay | 562 ha livestock farm

Anna, David & Thomas

Anna & David, Thomas

Évora, Portugal


562 hectares


Pigs, cattle, sheep, goats, eggs, chicken, and vegetables

Type of farm


Sales channels

Direct marketing

Contact information

The regenerative transition

Better water quality & retention

Keyline water design

Better water quality & retention

No chemical inputs

Climate Farmers Icon holistic grazing

Multi-species rotational grazing

Climate Farmers Icon Agroforestry


No-till /minimum till


Transition start date


‘’I felt like I had to do something significant for the future of my children and mankind in general. We were confronted with the big problem of desertification in Portugal. I had to be part of the change.’’

What would be your one piece of advice for farmers considering the transition to regenerative agriculture?

“Try to fail fast and learn as quickly as possible. Don’t be afraid of making errors, because that’s the only way to learn for real.”

Do you want support for implementing regenerative agriculture?

Feel free to contact us via email or
schedule a call with Philippe.

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