Nuno Mayer | Quinta do Alfeijoal | 64 ha arable farm

Nuno Mayer

Nuno Mayer
Quinta do Alfeijoal

Olaia, Portugal


64 hectares

Type of farm



Grapes, walnuts, and organic olive oil

The regenerative transition

Climate Farmers Icon crops grey

Cover crops

Climate Farmers Icon Agroforestry


Climate Farmers Icon holistic grazing

No chemical inputs

Residue management Icon


“I believe that the current generation is paying for the soil management mistakes of previous generations, as a medium to long term bet, we have to work with nature.”

– Nuno Mayer

Transition start date

To restore nature and improve the functionality of the farm.

Planned additional practices
AMP grazing, compost and organic matter application, increased cover crops, and reduced tillage.


“Measures to regenerate organic matter in the soil and create habitat for crop aids.”

How we collaborate

Nuno is utilising our Carbon+ Program to advance the regeneration of Quinta do Alfeijoal and overcome challenges on the farm. Through the program, he’s accessing financial support through Carbon+ Credits.

Do you want support for implementing regenerative agriculture?

Feel free to contact us via email or
schedule a call with Philippe.

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