Carbon+ is for farmers that want to see their business
An additional income stream to support you on your path to regenerative agriculture.
Farmers are talking.
Here’s what they have to say
Regenerative agriculture is a way of farming that restores and enhances farmland. It pays a lot of attention to soil health, improving the water cycle and storing carbon in the process.
The approach delivers several benefits for your farm. This includes increased profitability and productivity, flood and drought resilience, and high-quality, nutrient dense crops.
Our Carbon+ Program de-risks your transition to regenerative agriculture
Our Carbon+ Program supports you on your path to regenerative farming. Through Carbon+ Credits, you can access an additional income stream as you make the change. Carbon can be thought of as any other crop on your farm. The way you manage the land will directly influence the yield. You can generate carbon credits by:
Drawing carbon into the soil
e.g. residue management, cover crops, and agroforestry
Reducing farm emissions
e.g. fertiliser reduction
750 other farmers are making the change
Ways of generating Carbon+ Credits
Applying a selection of these practices suited to your farm context and goals can help you take back control of your business and build resilience, from the ground up.
Cover crops
Plants sown intentionally to keep the soil covered and improve the physical, chemical or biological character of the soil.
Cover crops help prevent erosion, improve soil structure, regulate moisture, attract pollinators, and assist in weed and pest management. Leaving cover crop residues on the field is also a great way to sequester carbon.
Residue management
Residue management involves leaving organic materials on your field after the crop has been harvested and/or grazed. Includes stalks, stubbles, leaves, and seed pods. The intention of this is to keep the soil surface covered, protect the soil against nutrient loss & add organic matter to the soil.
Residue management offers a source of nutrients for succeeding crops, in turn improving productivity, while also improving soil carbon sequestration.
Agroforestry is a collective name for land-use systems where woody perennials (trees, shrubs, bushes, etc.) are deliberately used on the same land-management units as agricultural crops or grasslands.
It can lead to a number of benefits for your farm, such as increased productivity, habitat for wildlife, improved soil function, and carbon sequestration.
Organic matter application
Involves the application of hay (including bale grazing for livestock), manure or compost directly to the soil in different types of land use e.g. arable crops or in tree orchards.
Adding organic matter to the soil can improve several soil characteristics, including soil organic matter, water retention, and biological activity. It positively impacts soil carbon and can lead to increased productivity.
Regenerative grazing
Regenerative grazing, or Adaptive Multi-Paddock (AMP), is an approach that utilises short term livestock grazing at high stocking densities with long periods of forage rest. The system mimics the natural pattern of dense herds of wild ruminants. A grazing chart is used to plan, record, monitor and adapt accordingly.
There are several benefits including improved animal welfare, soil health, and water infiltration.
Minimum / no-till
No-till involves no soil disturbance through tilling, ploughing, disking, chiselling or any other kind of soil cultivation. On the other hand, minimum till refers to minimal soil disturbance of up to 10cm deep.
Reduced tillage or no-till farming practices can help to keep soil structure intact, reduce erosion and increase soil biological activity. It can also help to increase the soil’s organic matter and water-holding capacity.
Reduction/no synthetic fertilisers
Involves reducing or stopping the application of synthetic fertilisers on your farm, namely Nitrogen based ones. Chemical inputs are phased out and replaced with organic alternatives and other inputs such as compost or manure. Reducing synthetic fertiliser use leads to a reduction of NO2 (nitrous oxide) emissions.
It can reduce leaching and groundwater pollution. It can also significantly reduce costs on the farm and improve the overall farm ecosystem.
Herberto’s transition to regenerative agriculture
58 hectare arable farm in Assumar, Portugal
*This is a simple example using just one of many regenerative methods.
How does the Carbon+ Program work?
This process is repeated yearly for 5 years
How it could look for you
Applying a selection of these practices suited to your farm context and goals can help you take back control of your business and build resilience, from the ground up.
50 ha irrigated arable farm
(corn production)
Outcomes achieved in the first year
220 tons of carbon sequestered
5.740€ income paid to the farmer
Improved soil function
*These are simple examples using just one of many regenerative methods. Payments are outcome based, so the more you accomplish, the more you could earn.
*These are simple examples using just one of many regenerative methods. Payments are outcome based, so the more you accomplish, the more you could earn.
Carbon+ is for you if…
Upcoming events
Regenerative grazing, erosion control & Carbon+
Sevilla, Spain
23. April 2024
10.00 – 18.30
25€, food & drinks included.
Soil health and regenerative techniques
Assumar, Portugal
01. June 2024
10 – 17.30
25€, food & drinks included.
Are you ready to future-proof your farm?
A member of our team will be happy to answer any of your questions about the Carbon+ Program or discuss your context. Complete the form below and we will be in touch.
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